Closing Hunt RSVP Form


How many attendees will be riding at closing hunt?

Are riding attendees members of FLH?

There will be a limited number of seats available on a horse-drawn hay wagon. To help manage participation, there will be a fee of $5 to reserve a seat. If someone in your party would like to reserve a spot, please provide their name(s).

If there are non-riding members in your group who would like to cartop and need space in a vehicle (other than the hay wagon), please provide their names and ages (if under 18) here.

If you are available to provide a vehicle and drive cartoppers, please provide the name of the driver, vehicle type, and space availability. (Example: Dave Drummond, truck, 4 inside, 4 in truck bed)

Are you or someone in your group available to assist as a volunteer?

Please provide the names (first and last) of all attendees who will be partaking in the catered breakfast ($20).

We look forward to seeing you!