Fort Leavenworth Hunt
Welcome to FLHThe Fort Leavenworth Hunt is the only active military hunt in the United States. The focus of the hunt is to enjoy fellowship, beautiful countryside, and the thrill of riding to hounds as they follow the scent of a fox or coyote.
About Us
The Fort Leavenworth Hunt was organized in 1926. Troopers assigned to Ft. Leavenworth in the 1930s, including the 10th Cavalry Regiment, were integral to the operation of the Hunt. They performed a myriad of tasks that included hound care and training, kennel operations, and hunt staff. It was disbanded during WWII, but in 1964 the pack of hounds was reconstituted and registered with the Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA). The pack was recognized by the MFHA in 1966, and the hunt has been active since then. Hunt membership is open to the public—our subscribers include military personnel and their families as well as civilians.
FLH proudly follows the deeply-rooted traditions of foxhunting. However, our quarry is typically coyote rather than fox, and the focus of the hunt is on camaraderie and the thrill of riding to hounds through beautiful countryside rather than on catching or dispatching the quarry.
With four riding fields, FLH welcomes riders of all disciplines and varying skill levels. Whether you prefer to take it slow or to go at speed—jumping obstacles as they come—we invite you to come enjoy our wonderful sport!
Fort Leavenworth Hunt
Learn More

Who We Are
“Family” is one of the words often used to describe the Fort Leavenworth Hunt.

Our History
Fort Leavenworth has a rich history as an equestrian-focused Army post.

Getting Involved
FLH is a great place for riders of all kinds to begin their fox hunting adventures!

Visit our resources page for membership information, forms, and season schedule.