Event Info


Frontier Conference Center
350 Biddle Blvd.
Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027


$75 Adult
$50 Junior
+$25 to Reserve a Table

Point of Contact

Lillian Davis


18:00–18:45 – Social Hour

18:45 – Moving Off

18:50 – National Anthem and Invocation

18:55 – Welcoming Remarks/Toasts

19:00 – Dinner (Grand Buffet)

Following Dinner:

Spirit, Field Basket, and Live Auction Fundraisers

Closing Remarks



This year’s event will have open seating, but tables may be reserved for an extra fee. (The table will be marked as reserved and the person who paid the fee may choose their table-mates.)

Black or white attire is suggested for ladies and gents not in uniform, but is not required.

To enter the Fort, all adult non-military attendees who don’t hold a LAC will need to register for access. The form is short and the process is quick. Once registered, you will be able to enter by showing your driver’s license.     

If you did not  RSVP by the deadline but would still like to attend, please contact Lillian directly.

Already RSVPed but need to pay? Use the button or QR code below. (Comments may be added in the blank field.)

$75/Adult, $50/Junior - Optional $25 to reserve table.